Finding Strength
Beyond Grief

A community for those of us who experienced early parental loss, no matter the circumstance surrounding this devastating event.

As children many of us did not have the space to grieve and we dealt with a painful silence, that further exacerbated our profound grief. We grew up with a deep sense of loss, anxiety, and loneliness. And so, as adults we carry an immense burden of unresolved and unbearable grief that has taken refuge in our entire being.

There is no healing in suppressing our wounds and pain. Here, we can let grief speak and process any emotions. This community invites the truth to take hold, so you can feel understood, seen and held. Here you can be silent, cry, scream, and laugh.  In this community, you can honor your beloved parent who left too soon.

Raised by Grief is your community to embrace your grief and heal with our support. No matter where you are in life, and how long it has been since your parent died, your grief is valid and should no longer be hidden.

Join us and let’s make grieving a community affair!

From my grieving heart to yours

Hissi Alem

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    Our Five Truths

    We never stop loving our dead parent
    Our grief lasts a lifetime
    The end of our childhood
    The death of our parent shapes the trajectory of our lives
    We were often unsupported and alone in our grief

    Rising Strong
    Through Adversity

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